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Kota Tinggi District Council provides external links throughout the Kota Tinggi District Council website solely to provide additional information that may be useful or interesting and is being provided consistent with the intended purpose of the Kota Tinggi District Council website.

Kota Tinggi District Council cannot demonstrate to the accuracy of information provided by any of the linked sites.

Linking to external sites does not constitute an endorsement by Kota Tinggi District Council or any of its employees on the information and products presented on the site.

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Disclaimer Use of Third Language - GOOGLE TRANSLATOR

Portal Kota Tinggi District Council provides links to web translation engine which translates automatically into the languages ​​listed options such as the Chinese and Tamil .

Therefore, the page will appear after selecting the language will be done automatically by the engine translator. There is the possibility of the translation process produces a different purpose than the actual meaning. To get the right content, refer to Malay